Sinus Precautions

Sometimes, after surgery, there can be a small hole that communicates from the mouth to an air filled cavity in your upper jaw called your maxillary sinus.  This can often occur after extraction of the back upper teeth and wisdom teeth.  If this happens, you will be informed of the situation and will give you these precautions to take to assist your body in healing.  

  • Take prescriptions as directed
  • Take an over the counter decongestant as needed
  • Minimize smoking or stop completely for 2 weeks
  • Do not use a straw for 2 weeks
  • Do not forcefully blow your nose for at least 2 weeks, even though your sinus may feel “stuffy” or there is drainage
  • Try not to sneeze; it will cause undesired sinus pressure.  If you must sneeze, keep your mouth open
  • Eat only soft foods for 1 week and always try to chew on the opposite side of your mouth.  After the 1st week you can introduce more solid foods
  • Do not vigorously rinse for 1 week.  Gentle salt water swishes may be used

Slight bleeding from the nose is not uncommon for several days after surgery.

Please keep our office advised of any changes in your condition, especially if drainage or pain increases.  It is important that you keep all future appointments with Dr. Turley.